The new 4-part workshop, "Going Green for Baby and Me", begins February 11 at Bellybum Boutique in the city's Lincoln Square neighborhood.
In partnership with Northside Parents Network and Bellybum Boutique, Cecelia Ungari, an educator with The Green Mama will lead the course designed for women and their partners who want their pregnancy, birth and new baby's arrival to be eco-friendly and safer. Ungari will provide tips and tools for parents from fertility/pre-pregnancy through the first few weeks of their baby's lives.
Topics covered will include skincare, label reading, greener food choices, food and fertility, greener cleaning, removing toxins, breastfeeding and green diapering.
Special guest experts will make appearances and a resource workbook will be given to participants. Sustainable snacks will be also be provided. Registration is required by February 9.
Going Green for Me & Baby to Be
Thursdays 6:30-8:00 PM
February 11, 18, 25 and March 4
Bellybum Boutique
4347 N. Lincoln Ave.
Led by Cecelia Ungari from The Green Mama.
Cost is $175 per couple, $150 for Northside Parents Network Member families.
-photo credit: Sellers Patton, flickr